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  • Writer's pictureJames & Natasha King

Partnership is Necessary

"Partnership is agreement. Agreement between two or more people to work together using their individual skills, resources and abilities in a combined effort to reach a pre-determined goal. This relationship is beautiful. It’s lined with freedom, transparency, growth, trust and belief, and a type of movement that can be characterized by rhythmic grace. Partnerships function best and have the most efficient outcomes when every individual sacrifices his or her personal ambitions for the attainment of what is best for the group’s goal."

Why is Partnership necessary?

Partnership completes a narrative in a way that solitariness cannot. Visions are worthy ideals that are meant to be pursued. No dream, goal or vision that is large enough can be reached by a lone voyager. Although the vision is given to one individual, that inspiration must be met with wisdom to identify others that are appropriate, divinely appointed, resources needed to fulfill the vision. Fulfillment is based on one’s ability to do a thing. The uniqueness, and beauty of individuals is that we are all gifted with different abilities. The strength of one compliments the weaknesses of another, creating sufficient power to meet the need.

What are the prerequisites for partnership?

The prerequisites for partnership are based on will, maturity and time. Will is a matter of the mind where your desire to think, act or attain a thing is present. Imagine being summoned to court and the judge asks you what do you want, why do you want it, and what are you willing to sacrifice to have it. Would you have the capacity to authentically answer those questions from the place that you desire to be and as the person who has the type of partnership that you are seeking? That answer is rooted in your maturity more than your personal ability or knowledge. When God recognizes that you are ready to see the desires of your heart, that’s when it is given to you as a vision. Time is the progression of your efforts and experiences towards that worthy ideal. Once you have endeavored through the process of washing away your ego and all other forms of selfishness, you are able to enter the door to which you have been knocking – partnership.

What are the benefits?

Someone’s presence brings comfort, yet their willingness to meet you where you are and help you get to where you desire to be yields confidence and strength. Effective partnership is to be equally yoked, to venture with someone with the capacity to carry the same type of weight. In strength training, yoke carries and walks are some of the most effective exercises due to their ability to strengthen more muscles throughout the entire body, making long-term daily activity much easier on the body. True partnership is training that produces the type of control that is unbreachable. Solitary movement can lead to an empty performance or being susceptible to stumbles and the vices of immaturity.

Submission is also a vital part of partnership. It is an underlying element that most will never acknowledge, a seed for clarity and at its mature state, authority. Like a seed, submission in partnership is covered by a protection to germinate and to establish roots where it is planted. Once a partnership is established, its foundation and strength produces fruit with a harmony that draws the people that it is to serve and those that are to serve it.

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